Al Soor continuously evaluates its overall business strategy


Our vision is clear and precise. Al Soor adds value through change. In every aspect of our business, we see opportunities for investment where others do not look; and we examine those opportunities with open mindedness, thoroughness, and a hard headed practicality to determine viable investments and operating businesses.

New businesses typically entail higher risk. However, the opportunities we see are not about risk. We don’t like risk. We minimize its impact through a combination of initiatives, exhaustive analysis and creativity. We do this by working with proven technologies, systems marred to our operational expertise.

We operate in the manner of an assembly line, structuring internal or external projects into identifiable, manageable steps where we can apply expert processes. We combine rigor and vigor in what we do, always examining the quality of our procedures, always looking to improve.


Al Soor has five groups dedicated to each stage of the project cycle:



The Capital Group carries out Al Soor’s core investment prospecting function: winning advisory and project development mandates, providing financial and asset management services to clients, placing transactions and raising funds for internal and external projects and completing private placements for group-generated opportunities.



The Business Development Group handles advisory mandates on behalf of the Capital Group, the development of projects and business ideas through conception, research and development and internal approvals. This group develops projects for Al Soor, with the group taking on an operational role with or without external partners, or on a fee-generating basis for external associates.



The Business Management Group provides legal review, financial due diligence and sign-offs. The group provides central support for all operations, acting as the main resource in financial, legal and information technology services and negotiating group-wide financing arrangements on behalf of all businesses.



Dedicated operational team manages the implementation of all of Al Soor’s businesses. We establish project specific operational teams but ensure each business has group-level management support, to enable its successful development and operation.



The Strategy & Planning Group is where Al Soor continuously evaluates its overall business strategy. It comprises of Al Soor’s senior executives, responsible for relationship management and development at corporate, institutional and government levels; the setting of policy; the control of corporate affairs; and brand marketing and support across the Group.